Today you do not have to go to a bank and wait in queue for a loan nor are any documents needed when applying for a loan. There are online lenders offering different types of loans like payday loans, salary advance, instant cash loans and a lot more. The online loan application takes just 5 minutes and can be done anytime during the day or night using a mobile or a desktop. If you apply for the online loan during business hours you will get the amount within an hour but if you apply for the loan outside working hours you will get the amount in your savings account on the next business day. Fast Cash Advance Of $ 15,000 There are finance providers that offer loans to Australians urgently in need of cash. You can apply for the loan online without any paperwork and within minutes they will let you know if you are eligible for the loan. There are no hidden fees, when you apply for the loan they will inform you the interest on the loan. The amount you can get when you apply f...