The financial sector has seen the growth in the number of companies issuing credit a well as their products. Borrowers have to choose on who really benefits them. Since there are many creditors there are many credit products with different terms. These are very intelligent people who use all means available to make profits from borrowers. Most naïve people don’t understand the tricks used and end up getting bad credit. You need to be smart to avoid this pitfall. There are several strategies which you can utilize in order to avoid bad credit. Understand all the terms One trick used by the creators is handling the terms in the agreement. When you sign that document you don’t understand what you have tied yourself into. When you get bad credit for person for 2000 your seriously affect future finances as well as opportunities for growth. To avoid this ensure you understand the terms in the agreement and make a decision on what favors you. If not find a creditor who is considerate of your ...