A lot of people have jobs and they know how much they are expecting and when next they are going to get their next loan. Thus, they try to make plans regarding the money. They bring out money for feeding, to buy other important items they need for the month, pay bills, sort out their family if they are married. They also strive to keep a little for miscellaneous and to save. The miscellaneous is expected to cover for minor emergencies while the savings is expected to cater for major expenses. However, not everybody is disciplined enough or have the luxury of savings. When your income is barely enough to pay your bills and feed you, you will not be thinking about saving. The issue at the end of the day is that emergencies come up occasionally and people would most likely use money to sort out the emergencies. For those who do not have savings or enough to cater for the emergency, they will be forced to source for a loan. Here are some reasons why people take online cash...